

Page history last edited by Per Arne Godejord 11 years, 10 months ago

Aim, Key Words and Definition




Aim of this Wiki: Further Social Informatics in Computer Science studies, by focusing on didactics, i.e. how to reach the hearts and minds of Computer Science students when lecturing on social issues of computing. This Wiki is also a collection of lectures and other resources that might be used by both the lecturer and the students of Social Informatics.


Key words: Social Informatics, Samfunnsinformatikk, Rob Kling, project based learning, focus on students way of learning, fighting sexual abuse of children (Project Getting Involved), use of celebrities (Andrew Vachss), resource base.


You may now either read the short introduction below or go directly to the resource page.



Welcome to a Journey into Social Informatics



What is Social Informatics?


"Social Informatics (SI) refers to the body of research and study that examines social aspects of computerization — including the roles of information technology in social and organizational change and the ways that the social organization of information technologies are influenced by social forces and social practices. SI includes studies and other analyses that are labeled as social impacts of computing, social analysis of computing, studies of computer-mediate communication (CMC), information policy, “computers and society,” organizational informatics, interpretive informatics, etc." (Kling)


Based on the above definition, what sort of topics from this Wiki will be relevant for a course in Social Informatics? Let`s have a look.


What is this Wiki?


At least in Norway many lecturers in Computer Science avoid social issues on computing, either because of lack of interest or lack of knowledge. In some instances social issues are considered irrelevant to "true" Computer Science, both by lecturers and students. Many students perceive Social Informatics as boring and non-practical. This Wiki is one of many experimental resources within the course of Social Informatics, at Nesna University College, aimed at showing students and other lecturers alike that it is possible to make Social Informatics both relevant and interesting. This Wiki mostly contains my video lectures, sound lectures, slideshare lectures, text based lectures, relevant search pages from Google, suggestions for curriculum and a guide to lecture SI (Page:Godejord´s resources in Social Informatics) and many of the same resources in the form of a mind map. This Wiki is meant to also include thoughts, comments and resources made by my students (Page: Student work) or any other Social Informatics that want to participate. (Page: Resources and ideas). I also prepared a page with a list of Wikis about Social Informatics (Page:Other Social Informatics Wikis). Send me an e-mail to get the editor key.



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