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This version was saved 12 years, 9 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Per Arne Godejord
on January 19, 2012 at 12:07:58 pm



Samfunnsinformatikk/ Social Informatics


Social Informatics Resources is a wiki managed by Senior Lecturer Per Arne Godejord,  It aims to provide a guide to research resources and teaching materials for lecturers and students in social informatics and includes video lectures, sound lectures, slideshare lectures, text based lectures, relevant search pages from Google, suggestions for curriculum and a guide to lecture SI. It iwas also very much an experimental repository for resources used within the undergraduate course of Social Informatics at Nesna University College, and some of the podcasts and YouTube videos are only "triggers" and "reminders" which might make sense in the specific context it was made, but not necessarily as standalone resources.  A student page has been established for thoughts, comments and resources contributed by students and others who wish to participate. The references are mainly in Norwegian. There are links to other social informatics wikis, Blogs and Web pages. This Wiki is listed on Intute`s overwiev of SI resources.


(Java and Flash Player are necessary for full use of all the resources. Tested with the use of FireFox 3)




Teaching resources

The resource page (The main page)

Aim, Key Words and Definition
 Social Informatics Forum







A Social Informatics Lecture Site from P.A. Godejord

Last updated: 18.01.2012


Creative Commons License

Social Informatics Resources av Per Arne Godejord er lisensiert under en

Creative Commons Navngivelse-Ikkekommersiell 3.0 Norge Lisens.

Basert på et verk på adresse samfinfo.pbwiki.com.   Oyunlar1  Oyunlar1




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