Samfunnsinformatikk/ Social Informatics
Social Informatics Resources is a wiki managed by Senior Lecturer Per Arne Godejord, Nesna University College, Norway. It aims to provide a guide to research resources and teaching materials for lecturers and students in social informatics and includes video lectures, sound lectures, slideshare lectures, text based lectures, relevant search pages from Google, suggestions for curriculum and a guide to lecture SI. A student page has been established for thoughts, comments and resources contributed by students and others who wish to participate. The references are mainly in Norwegian. There are links to other social informatics wikis.
This Wiki is listed on the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics Wikis page and on Intute`s overwiev of SI resources.
If you are a lecturer or a PhD-student in Social Informatics, take a look at The Challenge! |

A Social Informatics Lecture Site from P.A. Godejord, Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of Scientific Subjects, Nesna University College, 8700 Nesna, Norway.
Phone: +47 75057800 Fax: +47 75057900
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