

Page history last edited by Per Arne Godejord 3 years, 8 months ago


Edited: 21.06.2016

Ressurser for undervisning i Samfunnsinformatikk/

Lecturing resources in Social Informatics




This Wiki is for you who is going to start lecturing in Social Informatics and want to have a look at what other people have done as for the "how to teach Social Informatics" or just want to collect different lecturing resources for your students, and for you who is a student and are looking for different presentations on some of the topics of SI. Most of the stuff here are in Norwegian only, but you`ll also find lectures and references in English. Feel free to use everything here as you see fit, and be welcomed to contribute if you want to. This Wiki started as an experimental repository for resources used within the undergraduate course of Social Informatics at Nesna University College, and some of the podcasts and YouTube videos are only "triggers" and "reminders" which might make sense in the specific context it was made, but not necessarily as standalone resources. This Wiki was last updated with new resources on the 3de of June 2021, and is used as a tool within the concept of flipped classroom.


Unless otherwise stated, all resources are either made by (marked with pag), or collected by, me. This symbol  indicates that the resources are located outside of the various sites administered by me.


This resource page was evaluated and accepted by Intute for listing on their web page on resources for education and research in Social Sciences - subject: Social Informatics. Evaluating institutions: University of Bristol in partnership with the University of Birmingham, UK. Also listet on Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics under “Wikis“, from 2008 to 2010.


My international publications relevant for this resource are:

  1. "Fighting child pornography: Exploring didactics and student engagement in social informatics", i Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Volume 58, Issue 3, 2007 (Level 2)
  2. "Perspectives on project based teaching and “blended learning” to develop ethical awareness in students", i eLearning Papers Nº 6,
    2007 (Level 1)
  3. "Getting Involved: Perspectives on the Use of True Projects as Tools for Developing Ethical Thinking in Computer Science Students", i International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2008, (Nivå 1)
  4. "Education in the World of Web 2.0 – Exploring Project Based Learning and Web 2.0 tools in the online course of Social Informatics for Teachers", i ICT in Educational Design – Processes, Materials, Resources, pp. 63-73, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórski, ISBN 978-83-7842-111-5, 2013 (Level 1)
  5. "The Online Classroom – Developing Learning Spaces Using Blogs, Wiki and Twitter",  Poster Presentation at EDEN 8th Reaserch Workshop; 27.10. – 28.10., publicised in the Book of Abstracts, ISBN: 978-963-89559-9-9, (In English), 2014.

(Java and Flash Player are necessary for full use of all the resources. Tested with the use of FireFox)




  1. Ressurser for undervisning i Samfunnsinformatikk/
  2. Lecturing resources in Social Informatics
    1. Del 1: Introduksjon/ Introduction
      1. 1.1 Tekstressurser/ Text
      2. 1.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      3. 1.3 Videoressurser/ Video
      4. 1.4 Slideshare
      1. 1.5 Google
    2. Del 2: IT og Jus/ ICT and Law
      1. 2.1 Tekstressurser/ Text
      2. 2.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      1. 2.3 Videoressurser/ Video 
      1. 2.4 Slideshare
      1. 2.5 Googlesøk
    3. Del 3: Teknologisk utvikling/ Technological Development
      1. 3.1 Tekstressurser/ Text
      2. 3.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      3. 3.3 Videoressurser/ Video
      4. 3.4 Slideshare
      5. 3.5 Googlesøk
    4. Del 4: E-governance/ IKT og demokrati
      1. 4.1 Tekstressurser/ Text
      2. 4.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      3. 4.3 Videoressurser/ Video
      4. 4.4 Slideshare
      5. 4.5 Googlesøk
      6. 4.6 Forskningsprosjekt
    5. Del 5: Informasjonssystemer og Organisasjon/ Information Systems and Organization
      1. 5.1 Tekstressurser/ Text
      1. 5.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      2. 5.3 Videoressurser/ Video
      3. 5.4 Slideshare
      1. 5.5 Googlesøk
    6. Del 6: Sosiale Medier som ledelses- og undervisningsverktøy/ Social Media and Management/Education
      1. 6.1 Tekstressurser/ text
      1. 6.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      2. 6.3 Videoressurser/ Video  
      3. 6.4 Slideshare
      4. 6.5 Relevant materiale fra denne wikien/ Relevant material from this wiki
      5. 6.6 Googlesøk
    7. Del 7: IKT-sikkerhet, etterretning og terror/ ICT-security, OSINT and terrorism
      1. 7.1 Tekstressurser/ text
      2. 7.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      3. 7.3 Videoressurser/ Video  
      4. 7.4 Slideshare
      5. 7.5 Googlesøk
    8. Del 8: Etikk/ Ethics
      1. 8.1 Tekstressurser/ text
      2. 8.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      3. 8.3 Videoressurser/ Video
      4. 8.4 Slideshare
      5. 8.5 Googlesøk
    9. Del 9: Hvordan undervise i Samfunnsinformatikk/ How to lecture in Social Informatics
      1. 9.1 Tekstressurser/ Text
      2. 9.2 Lydressurser/ Sound
      3. 9.3 Videoressurser/ Video
      4. 9.4 Slideshare
      5. 9.5 Veileder for forelesere/ Guide for Lecturers (further readings, or "how other lecturers do it")
      6. 9.6 Googlesøk
    10. Del 10: Mulig pensum i Samfunnsinformatikk/ Curriculum suggestions
      1. 10.1 Bøker/ Books
      2. 10.2 Nettbasert pensum/ Internet
      3. 10.3 Vitenskapelige tidsskrift/ Scientific Journals/ Reports
      4. 10.4 Googlesøk
    11. Del 11: Internasjonale konferanser/ Information Science Conferences
  3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Del 1: Introduksjon/ Introduction


1.1 Tekstressurser/ Text



1.2 Lydressurser/ Sound


  • ingen


1.3 Videoressurser/ Video


  • ingen 


1.4 Slideshare



1.5 Google



Del 2: IT og Jus/ ICT and Law



2.1 Tekstressurser/ Text




2.2 Lydressurser/ Sound



2.3 Videoressurser/ Video 



2.4 Slideshare



2.5 Googlesøk




Del 3: Teknologisk utvikling/ Technological Development

(Should be studied in relation to Del 4 and Del 5)


3.1 Tekstressurser/ Text




3.2 Lydressurser/ Sound



3.3 Videoressurser/ Video



3.4 Slideshare


  • Ingen 

3.5 Googlesøk


Teknologisk utvikling:

Web 2.0:


IKT og skole:




Del 4: E-governance/ IKT og demokrati

(Should be studied in relation to Del 3 and Del 5)


4.1 Tekstressurser/ Text


4.2 Lydressurser/ Sound



4.3 Videoressurser/ Video

  • Ingen


4.4 Slideshare



4.5 Googlesøk



4.6 Forskningsprosjekt



Del 5: Informasjonssystemer og Organisasjon/ Information Systems and Organization

(Should be studied in relation to Del 3 and Del 4)


5.1 Tekstressurser/ Text



5.2 Lydressurser/ Sound



5.3 Videoressurser/ Video



5.4 Slideshare




5.5 Googlesøk





Del 6: Sosiale Medier som ledelses- og undervisningsverktøy/ Social Media and Management/Education


6.1 Tekstressurser/ text



6.2 Lydressurser/ Sound



6.3 Videoressurser/ Video  




6.4 Slideshare




6.5 Relevant materiale fra denne wikien/ Relevant material from this wiki



6.6 Googlesøk



Del 7: IKT-sikkerhet, etterretning og terror/ ICT-security, OSINT and terrorism


7.1 Tekstressurser/ text


7.2 Lydressurser/ Sound


  • Ingen


7.3 Videoressurser/ Video  



7.4 Slideshare


  • Ingen


7.5 Googlesøk






Del 8: Etikk/ Ethics


8.1 Tekstressurser/ text



8.2 Lydressurser/ Sound



8.3 Videoressurser/ Video



8.4 Slideshare



8.5 Googlesøk




Del 9: Hvordan undervise i Samfunnsinformatikk/ How to lecture in Social Informatics


9.1 Tekstressurser/ Text



9.2 Lydressurser/ Sound


  • Ingen


9.3 Videoressurser/ Video



9.4 Slideshare



9.5 Veileder for forelesere/ Guide for Lecturers (further readings, or "how other lecturers do it")





9.6 Googlesøk




Del 10: Mulig pensum i Samfunnsinformatikk/ Curriculum suggestions


10.1 Bøker/ Books



10.2 Nettbasert pensum/ Internet



10.3 Vitenskapelige tidsskrift/ Scientific Journals/ Reports

  • Journals, compiled by Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lubljana 


10.4 Googlesøk



Del 11: Internasjonale konferanser/ Information Science Conferences





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